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Coming in Early 2018


There is so much beauty within his face.

The way the highlights and shadows rise and fall from within his dimple.

The gentle creases near his mouth which represent the joys of his lifetime.

His face is responsible for communicating all of his expressions.

Expressions, that over time, I have come to memorize.

Instinctively, I know what he is feeling.


What happens when his familiar expressions are gone?

MAKING FACES is a personal project that aims to raise awareness of the facial masking that occurs in patients with Parkinson’s disease. While it is one of the lesser known symptoms, it deeply affects both the patient and their loved ones by further complicating daily social interactions. In addition to raising awareness, MAKING FACES is meant to celebrate the beauty of the human face and all its intricacies. Proceeds from this project will go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research and local Parkinson’s disease related charities.

Please look for more information on this project in early 2018 and the release of MAKING FACES in April 2018 during Parkinson’s disease awareness month.
